Saturday, February 11, 2012

SPORTS - Lawrie takes lead in Qatar despite penalty (AP)

SPORTS - Lawrie takes lead in Qatar despite penalty (AP)

LONDON – Thousands of London 2012 volunteers are gathering at Wembley Arena for their first orientation and training event for the Olympics.

The session at Wembley Arena in London on Saturday, with an expected attendance of around 10,000 people, is the first stage in the training program for employees and Olympics volunteers.

London Olympic organizing committee chief Sebastian Coe launched the event, saying orientation sessions will deliver more than 1 million training hours for up to 70,000 people around the country.

Saturday's event is the first of six events taking place over three dates in February.

The events are expected to provide an introduction to the history of the Games and an insight into what working at London 2012 will be like.

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